How to grow Taxus baccata or Yew

I believe you've got it right! More plants to discover, more seeds to pick, more cuttings to take! That's why garden shears is my must have every day and on holidays especially because there's no turning back.And of course better grab some ziplock bags and gloves.Like for Taxus baccata. When I just picked a few striking red fleshy gooey berries I've got that feeling there's something fishy about them. And warned the kids not to touch, just in case. Using app I identified the plant as Taxus baccata or Yew (I don't get any benefits from the developers, just so far I found it the most easy to use). Turned out that all parts of the plant is poisonous and needed to be handle with care.So here's what I found about Yew and sharing it with you. 

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