Zephyranthes robusta, Habranthus robustus, Brazilian copperlily, pink fairy lily, pink rain lily, 30-100 fresh seeds Sept. 23

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Zephyranthes robusta is a species of herbaceous flowering bulb. It is native to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, but is now naturalized in Florida, Colombia, South Africa, and Mauritius.
Zephyranthes robusta is a relatively large species of rain lily. It grows from ovate to obovate bulbs around 3.5 to 5 cm (1.4 to 2.0 in) in diameter.
Plants bear solitary lavender to pale pink, funnel-shaped flowers, 5–6 cm (2.0–2.4 in) long, held at a slight angle on 15–30 cm (5.9–11.8 in) scapes (a long flower stalk coming directly from a root). Flowers typically appear after rain from late summer to early fall and are followed by large deep green leaves, measuring 5 to 10 mm (0.20 to 0.39 in) wide and 30 to 40 cm (12 to 16 in) long.
Due to having the same common names, it is also frequently confused with other 'pink rain lilies' - namely Z. rosea and Z. carinata (also sold under the name Z. grandiflora). The three species are often mislabeled, but Z. robusta is easily recognizable from the other two by its larger, more strongly bent (and often asymmetrical), paler pink flowers. Z. robusta also has leaves covered with a fine grayish waxy coating in contrast to the leaves of Z. carinata.
Zephyranthes robusta is widely grown as an ornamental. It is one of the most prolific of the summer flowering rain lilies. They are propagated by dividing the bulbs (including offsets) and from seed. They are not as tolerant of colder temperatures as other rain lilies.
Similar to the closely related species of Zephyranthes, Z. robusta contains toxic alkaloids. Mainly galantamine-type alkaloids which can be lethal for humans.

From ©Wikipedia

Germination method
Cultivation from seed is easy. As with any papery seeded amaryllids, these have a relatively short viability period, please sow your seeds as soon as you harvested or purchased them. In winter you can start your seeds indoors. I always germinate my seeds on paper towel. Take 1-2 sheets of paper kitchen towel, spray it with water and place the seeds on it. Fold it or cover with another sheet. Spray more if needed. Take a plastic food container or sealable bag (though it's more difficult to inspect the seeds and put them back in), place your seeds in it, store at +18–24°C temperature. No heating required! If the temperature is way lower you can place your seeds near the central heating but never too warm!
After the seeds have germinated (they may start as soon as on 4th day) and you see the root just appeared you can transfer them in the pots and keep at the same temperature! Do not leave them grow for too long on paper because the root may start growing inside the paper and it will be difficult to remove the seed without damaging the root.

Sow in the pots/containers. Seeds are papery and can be floated but they sprout very easily sown under just a thin covering of sowing medium. Sow the seeds in a well-drained mix and keep in a warm place at 18–24°C. The seedlings will grow well in warm weather and respond well to fertilizer.

When you succeeded with your seeds or laid your hands on bulbs you will find very useful the following information how to grow and care about your Zephyranthes plants

Where to Plant
Plant your Rain Lilies in a location where the soil drains well and they will receive full sun. If you notice water puddles 5–6 hours after a hard rain, find another spot to plant. Rain Lilies bloom in response to late season rainfall but will not thrive in soggy soil. We recommend planting these beauties in garden settings where other low water plants can command center stage early to mid-season.

When to Plant
The best time to plant your Rain Lily bulbs outdoors is in the spring after the danger of frost has passed. While they can also be planted in mid to late fall, the soil must be below
15°C (60°F degrees for them to root properly. Foliage will begin to appear in a few weeks, and flowers are produced in late summer.

How to Plant
For outdoor landscape planting, find a location with well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. Dig holes and plant the bulbs 1–2" deep and 2–4" apart. In softer soils, these little bulbs can be dropped into holes made with your finger or the end of a stick. Poke, drop, cover, next.
For container planting, start with well-drained potting mix in a container large enough to house your plants. Dig holes and plant the bulbs 1–2" deep and slightly closer together, as they prefer to be crowded in containers. Drop the little bulbs into holes made with your finger or the end of a stick. Poke, drop, cover, next.
Water thoroughly, soaking the soil to settle it around the bulbs.

How to Grow
Provide about 0.5" of water per week during spring and summer, increasing to 1" per week to trigger flowering late in the summer.
Leave the foliage in place after blooming has finished for the season. The leaves will gather sunlight, create food through photosynthesis, and strengthen the bulbs for the future.
Remove foliage once the leaves turn yellow and die back as the plant slips into dormancy.
Allow your Rain Lilies to rest for a while before beginning the next growing cycle in the spring.

Rain Lily Tips & Tricks
Partner your Rain Lilies with other low-water plants such as Amaryllis, Watsonia, Crocosmia, Kniphofia, and Scadoxus.
Avoid planting these bulbs in containers with early-season bloomers that require more moisture during their flowering periods, as Rain Lilies perform best with little water from winter through mid-summer.
Be sure to plant the bulbs immediately, as Rain Lilies resent being out of the ground for long periods.
Expect foliage to appear a few weeks after planting and flowers to arrive in late summer.
Bring container-planted Rain Lilies indoors, keep them dry for the winter, and then set them outdoors again in spring.

Credits to https://www.easytogrowbulbs.com/