Adenium Obesum, Desert rose, Multi petal ALL SIX, 60 seeds packed separately
Adenium obesum is a flowering plant belonging to tribe Nerieae of subfamily Apocynoideae of the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. It is native to the Sahel regions south of the Sahara (from Mauritania and Senegal to Sudan), tropical and subtropical eastern and southern Africa and also the Arabian Peninsula. Common names include Sabi star, kudu, mock azalea, impala lily and desert rose.
© Wikipedia
The desert rose flowering plant grows well in desert settings and will bloom beautifully with full, bright sun. They can also do well with bright morning sun or bright afternoon sun but may not flower as heavy. If kept in the shade, these plants become leggy and weak-stemmed.
Even though bright sun stimulates blossom production, the Desert Rose takes a break during the very hottest and rainiest months of the growing season. This results in two periods of blooming. You’ll see flowers begin to develop in early spring. With the right amount of light, your plant should bloom steadily until mid-summer.
At this point, blossoming will cease for 6-8 weeks only to resume in the early autumn months. When the weather begins to turn cold (55 degrees Fahrenheit or less on a consistent basis) give your plant a good pruning and bring it in the house.
In a very bright, warm environment such as a greenhouse, Adenium can remain active throughout the winter months. If you bring your plant into your house for the winter, it will probably stay in a semi-dormant state until spring arrives. During this time, just keep it in a warm room with bright, indirect light.
© Gary Antosh,
Germination method
The most important requirements for growing Desert Rose from seed is fresh and properly stored seeds from a reliable supplier. I recommend starting your seeds as soon as they reach you for the best results.
Pre-treatment Soak the seeds in water overnight (preferable distilled water but if you don’t have use bottled or tap water). For the last hour just before sowing you can put them in diluted fungicide.
Soil Prepare potting mix of 50 % peat or coco coir and 50% perlite. Spray thoroughly with fungicide solution and let it sit till the water drains. Some growers advice to use sandy compost because it is easier to transplant the seedling afterwards and of course it reduces the chances of rot.
Sowing Put your seeds on top leaving space 3-4 cm between and cover with thin layer of the same compost as the seed size about 0.5-0.7 cm. Spray again and place in some warm place with a lot of sunlight or artificial light.
Germination Optimal germination temperature for Adenium obesum is a range 25-35°C. Under favorable conditions you will see first seedlings sprout within 5-10 days. Keep them in the same place and water only when the potting starts to dry. Do not overwater because it can cause root rot.
Transplanting young seedling You can repot young seedlings when they develop 4-6 true leaves or 40-60 days after germination. Handle the seedlings very gently. Prepare 10-15 cm pots and fill them with well draining moist soil. It is important because watering seedling after repotting is not recommended. Plant them at the same level above the soil as they were before! The caudex will have slightly different colour in and above ground. If you put plant deeper, they will most probably rot. Place pots a shady position for the first 5-7 days and them gradually expose them to the sunlight.