Babiana rubrocyanea, syn. Gladiolus rubrocyanus, Ixia africana, Ixia cyanea, Acaste venusta, 25-100 seeds July 2024


Growing Babiana rubrocyanea

Babiana rubrocyanea thrives in the winter-rainfall region, requiring wet, frost-free winters and dry summers. It can be cultivated in frost-free summer-rainfall areas if corms remain dry during dormancy. This deciduous plant grows in winter and spring and is dormant in summer and autumn, tolerating temperatures down to 5°C.

These hardy plants are ideal for containers or rock gardens, with striking flowers blooming from August to mid-September in the Southern Hemisphere. Given the right conditions, their numbers will gradually increase each year.

Grow Babiana rubrocyanea in full sun or bright light using a well-draining medium of fine bark or compost, combined with coarse river and industrial silica sand. Water heavily two times a week during the growing period, but ensure the medium doesn’t dry out excessively, which could cause premature dormancy. Keep corms completely dry during dormancy.

Propagation can be done via seeds or corms. Seeds are best sown in autumn directly into pots (20–30 cm deep), while corms can be planted in pots or the garden. Separate cormlets from the fibrous collar in summer and plant them in early autumn, about 3 cm deep. A weak general fertilizer during the growing season is optional. Seeds typically flower in their second or third year but may bloom as early as seven months under ideal conditions.

Corms are susceptible to Fusarium fungus from poor drainage or overwatering, showing up as reddish lesions. Remove infected tissue and treat with fungicides. Corms can also be attacked by mealybugs and red spider mites, which can be managed by manual removal or systemic insecticides, as well as topical neem oil or insecticidal soap.

Growing Babiana from seeds

Most babianas are winter growers, so seeds should be sown in autumn when temperatures begin to drop, ideally with around a 10°C difference between day and night. Create a well-draining potting mix by combining compost with perlite or coarse sand. Water the medium thoroughly and place the seeds on the surface. You can lightly cover the seeds with the medium or leave them uncovered entirely, ensuring the soil remains moist. Continue to water adequately throughout winter and spring, but cease watering during the summer. Follow the care instructions provided above for babiana corms.